9 June 2008

Nouvelles de Thailande

Bonjour tout le monde,
Enfin des nouvelles.. Le trajet Lyon-Bangkok s'est plutot bien passe, long mais ok. Depuis Samedi j'ai experimente la vie a Bangkok. Quel choc culturel!!! J'ai rencontre une Thailandaise qui m'a fait un petit tour de la ville. Les gens sont tellement gentils ici. La vie a Bangkok en 3 mots seraient: pollution, bruit et etouffant.
Hier soir Eva, Kate ( une anglaise qui a rencontre Eva a l'aeroport) et moi sommes parties de Bangkok a 19h en direction de l'ile de Ko Phi Phi dans le Sud. Nous ne sommes toujours pas arrivees mais le trajet en bus nous a pris 14hrs!!! La nous attendons le bateau pour aller sur l'ile. Le temps n'est pas top mais rien a voir avec la pluie que l'on s'est pris hier! Impressionnant.
Je metterai des photos bientot sur le site pour vous montrer tout ca.
Des bisous a tout le monde et a bientot pour plus de nouvelles.


Sergi said...

Where are the pictures proving you are in Bangkok?? I can also write blog posts from home...
Don't forget to check your Facebook's messages! (and reply them)
Enjoy yourself!! I'm really jealous of your trip...

Anonymous said...

Salut Agnès, content de voir que tout se passe bien pour toi. J'espère que tu as trouvé une solution pour l'adaptateur USB. Sois prudente avec le paiement, ne donne jamais de carte. Ici, RAS (a part un temps de M....).
A +,

skoob said...

Hey Babe! Great to see that you're having a good time. Looks like you're still keeping me on my toes with my French too! lol Can't wait to see the pics! x

Anonymous said...


Croque la vie a pleine dents, Envoie nous des photos des que possible.

je T'embrasse


ntamrakar said...

Dear Agnes -Please post your journal in English so that we all can understand. Otherwise we need to ask you to expalin it once you are back from long holiday.

Anonymous said...

Content que tu sois bien arrivé en Thailande.
Profites en bien!
Give us news ASAP
take care

skoob said...

For the benefit of our non-French-speaking friends here's a translated version. (My apologies if it's wrong in places, my French sucks!)

News from Thailand

Hi everyone, finally some news. The journey from Lyon to Bangkok went rather well, long but ok. Since Saturday I have tried out life in Bangkok. What a culture shock!!! I met an Inhabitant of Thailand who took me on a small tour round the city. People are so nice here. If I were to sum up Bangkok in 3 words they would be: pollution, noise and stifling. Yesterday evening Eva, Kate (an English girl whom Eva met at the airport) and I left Bangkok and headed for the island of Ko Phi Phi in the South. We still have not arrived after 14hrs of travelling!!! We’re currently waiting for the boat to get to the island. The weather is not great but there was nothing to do anyway with the rain that we had yesterday! Impressive. I will upload some photos soon on the site to show you. Kisses to everyone and I’ll write again soon.